Cropping tips

We can often improve our images by eliminating distracting elements. Here are a few things to remember when cropping our images:

  1. Cropping is subjective — do what feels right.
  2. When cropping in a destructive editor (like Photoshop) make a copy to work on so you can get back to the original version.
  3. Lighter areas of an image pull the eye so eliminate them where possible if they do not add to your composition.
  4. Make sure you have enough resolution left after your crop to achieve your purpose.

Backyard Habitat

It’s great to find inspiration in an exotic destination, but you can also have lots of fun right at home by creating an environment where colorful subjects come to your yard.
Birds need food, shelter and the means to care for their plumage. This can be as simple as a feeder and water source positioned where birds can quickly escape to cover. Adding native and food-bearing plants to your yard will serve to attract and hold wildlife in your space.
Remember many bird species are omnivorous, so pesticides that eliminate insects will limit the allure of your habitat.
Once you have established a place for them, the birds will provide endless opportunity to practice with your camera and experiment with techniques to capture better pictures. At the same time you will come away with some fun photos and be better prepared to make stunning shots the next time you find yourself in an exotic landscape.